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Le langage Kailyé

Dernière mise à jour: 31 Decembre 2009 


The purpose of the Kailye language proposal is to bring one of the basis of interoperability, with a common interface to different simulator systems.


The Kailye language is an independent proposal. But it takes its full sense with the WEM, which is an access control system. The WEM provides another basis of interoperability, with a world-independent access system and federated identity allowing to use a character and its attributes in any world or simulator system.


The Kailye language has its own syntax, for general simulation functions. It also provides with some specialized syntax for running WEM commands.


The Kailye language has a human-readable syntax, and a computer-friendly version for actual messages. This can be compared to mnemonics and code versions of the Assembler language.


The table of content sends to general presentation, detailed commands and the translation table for the computer friendly version.


1 - Architectural paradigm of the systems using Kailye

2 - Basic structure of a Kailye message

2.1 - Mnemonicsand code version of the Kailye language.

3 - The «Kversion» block

4 - The «SimulatorName» Block

5 - The «MessageID» Block

5.1 - Message threads

5.2 - Kailye messages in file systems

6 - The «Commands» Block

6.1 - The paradigm behind the commands

6.2 - Kailye commands for hosting, handling and monitoring

6.3 - The geometry hierarchy file

6.4 - The Kinflex command

6.5 - Message pinging and buffering

6.6 - Errors

7 - The «object» Block

8 - Trajectories

8.1 - The format line

8.2 - Numbers formats and paddings In the format line

8.3 - The hierarchical namingof fields in the format line

8.4 - Field names and data structure in the format line

8.5 - Time values in the format line

8.6 - Position values in the format line

8.7 - Rotation values in the format line

8.8 - Coordinate system

8.9 - Colour values in the format line

8.10 - Vector and scalar values in the format line

8.11 - TextureMap, normalMap, shape or colourMap values in the format line

8.12 - NURBs values in the format line

8.13 - On NURBS and body shapes

8.14 - On exoskeletons and haptic monitoring

8.15 - On freedom of creation

8.16 - Text values in the format line

8.17 - Boolean values in the format line

8.18 - Use of derivatives (speed, acceleration) for position or rotation, in the format line

8.19 - NURB-controlled trajectories in the format line

8.20 - Database requests in the format line

8.21 - Number of lines of the format line

9 - Other Kailye functions related to trajectories

9.1 - Trajectory requests and errors

9.2 - Inflexion point request: the Kinflex command

9.3 - Access and privacy management

9.4 - Changing trajectories

9.5 - Adding trajectories

9.6 - Computing Inflexion keys

9.7 - Random values in the format line

9.8 - Animations

9.9 - Joining animations

10 - Algorithms

11- WEM commands into the Kailye language

11.1 - Purpose and functioning of the WEM connexion

11.2 - Important definitions.

11.3 - Simple connexion request: the Konnect command.

11.4 - Judiciary uses of the Konnect command

11.5 - World metaconnexion request: the Kmetaconn command.

11.6 - The Kmetaconn pairing cycle.

12 - The Kflags parameter and authorisations management

12.1 - The specie Kflags values

12.2 - The race Kflags values

12.3 - The nationality Kflags values

12.4 - The gender Kflags values

12.5 - The name Kflags values

12.6 - The religion or politics Kflags values

12.7 - The age Kflags values

12.9 - The sex Kflags values

12.11 - The clothing Kflags values

12.12 - The vibration Kflags values

12.13 - The violence Kflags values

12.14 - The theme Kflags values

12.15 - The outfit Kflags values

12.16 - General remarks about ~outfit, ~theme, ~clothing, ~violence, ~vibration and ~sex

13 - Kflags for groups and covenants

13.1 - The Groups management

13.2 - The group Kflags values

13.3 - The group hierarchical structure

13.4 - The Kovenant command: rules and contracts

13.5 - The ownership Kflags values

13.6 - The privacy Kflags values

13.7 - The Kovenant command

13.8 - The Character Hosting Company check

14 - Kailye characters table

15 - Kailye UTF-8-like codes and mnemonics table (not yet ready)

16 - Natural language Kailye

17 - Intellectual property statute of the Kailye language, elements and future versions